Full Solid Zirconia Crowns offer patients high strength with high esthetics.
It is the ultimate alternative to traditional Porcelain fused to metal, and Full Gold Crowns. Our Dental Milling Center offers different brands of Full Contour Solid Zirconia Crowns by the leading manufactures in the United States.
Our Full Solid Zirconia is milled from Zirconia Blanks manufactured in USA.
All Solid Zirconia Crowns come with a 1 year warranty.

NT Dental Milling custom abutments provide ideal margins, gingival contours, and emergence profiles for cement retained restorations. Our custom abutments are a preferred choice for difficult scenarios such as extreme angulation of the implant or when the implant depth is too far subgingival. Prescribing an NT Dental Milling custom abutment allows esthetic requests to be obtained and is comparable in price to stock abutments.